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WFU Robotics

1: To Those New to Programming

Updated: Mar 8, 2021

Welcome to your first step into the world of programming! Programming is an amazing tool, and once you learn the basics, with enough time, motivation, and creativity, you can bring into existence almost anything you can think of. However, these basics are often tedious, and require memorization of confusing syntax and an understanding of seemingly trivial concepts. This syntax will be the language you use to explain your ideas, and the concepts will be the structure upon which your ideas are built. Take the time to learn them well, and you will open a whole new world of possibilities for your mind.

In the following tutorials, we will learn Python, known for its readability and the efficiency its syntax provides. Because of the easy syntax, and the similarity to common english, Python is a great language to learn for beginners. Python also has many packages, add-ons created by third-party programmers, which further extend the possibilities it has to offer.

Python is a programming language, which means we use it to write our instructions in english syntax which is specific to only it. Python then compiles our written instructions into instructions that the computer understands. So first, we must learn Python’s syntax so we can write our own commands.

The first tutorial is on print statements, a tool which is useful no matter how much programming you have done. Thanks for reading!

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